Sunday, August 2, 2009

I Love Crochet!

While cleaning out my Last born and Hubbies apartment upstairs I found a bag of projects I made many years ago.

These are two blankets I made from Make One For Baby by Carole Rutter Tippett.

The pattern is called Waffle Stripes and you can see why.

This is #2 blanket.
I made up the trim.

I think this pattern makes a great fabric for any blanket. It doesn't have many holes but the fabric is very light. I don't like when the fabric is so heavy that you get tired just having it on you.

These little sweaters are from Worsted Weight Layettes by Carole Prior.

A little cap to go with it.

The pattern was easy and fast to make.

This is another example of the great fabric crochet can make.
I may make a blanket but don't think I can find the same yarn.

Those knitters out there that think the fabric made by crochet doesn't meet up to the fabric one can get from knitting are missing a world of beautiful and inspiring work.

Knitters Learn to Crochet/ Crocheters Learn to Knit It will open up a New World to you.


tisha said...

Oh these are just beautiful! My grandmother and mother taught me to knit and crochet, however, knitting fascinated me more. Now that I see your lovely creations, it makes my fingers itch to pickup a crochet needle. Thanks for sharing!

PS Your Knit Kit (from previous post) is not only funny/cute, but incredibly useful! Have fun with it.

Sigrun said...

What precious treasures. You put a lot of love into those--it's obvious.

me... said...

Knitted afghans really do stand the test of time and have some beautiful stitch patterns. And such thoughtful gifts. I still use on regularly that was made for me by my grandpa's second wife (and really a grandma to me all along). She was a wonderful grandma, and I haven't see her much because after my grandpa died, she remarried and busy with a new chapter in her life (complicated/completely understandable). Anyway, the reason for this long post is to say, the afghan she made for me is a gift that I treasure and have appreciated since 1984.

Joansie said...

All such beautiful items. I wish I could crochet better and is the reason why I knit instead because I don't need an instructional book beside me.

SuKnitWitty said...

Crochet...Yes...It stands alone and is a wonderful embellishment to knitting that you can't get any other way. I learned from my high school HomeEc teacher. I'll always be grateful to her for introducting crochet...even if it was with a #1 hook and string... I later converted to yarn. Thanks Lupie for dropping by SKW..I did not know that EZ changed the name of I-Cord...Thank-goodness!

Amanda said...

Those are all gorgeous. I've only managed one crochet project. I just can't seem to get the hang of it.

beegiekp said...

These things remind me so much of my mother....she loved to crochet. She tried to teach me, but I never got the hang of it. I know you told me I should learn the basics, so another thing on my "to do" list. Thank you for sharing.

Balkan Style Bloggers said...

You've convinced me to learn how to crochet. I've got a couple how-to books in the basement, and I must dig them out! :) I've never seen that crochet waffle stitch in my life. It's gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

They are so beautiful. I have been on a crochet kick for since June. I have a few Knit projects that I have to finish but I am drawn to crochet. Just don't know why!!
All of your work is so full of love.

Zel, The Grimm Witch said...

I can't wait 'til you have someone to stick in those beautiful blankets. Smudge and I wish you good fortune and fun in your travels. We miss you already! Love you!!
Love, Your kid and her familiar:)

Anonymous said...

They are so beautiful. I have been on a crocheting kick since June. I have done a few small knitting projects but crocheting has been dominate and I just don't know why!
All of your work is beautiful!

Sel and Poivre said...

Oh #2 Blanket is #1 for me! How lovely!

Daisymum said...

I learned how to crochet before knitting. I love the different looks you can do with it. I haven't seen the waffle stich, it looks nice. Is knitting gloves hard to do? I would love to try.

Anonymous said...

They are all so beautiful. I have been stuck in a crochet mode and have been crocheting more than knitting.

All your work you do is so beautiful!!

lunaticraft said...

Beautiful! I started off as a crocheter, and deciding I was going to be bi-craftual was one of the best decisions I made, so I totally agree with you.