Saturday, December 20, 2008

First Snow!

I was able to finish my first pair of gloves just in time to give them to my daughter for the first snow of the season.
Some people don't like making gloves because of the fingers and I am sure those same people hate to weave in ends. Well call me crazy I enjoy doing both!
The only problem I have is getting hole in the space between the fingers. I have added and extra stitch and passing it over but I still have to do touch ups when weaving in the yarn.
Any help out there?

Martha has some knitting patterns in her January issue. I mean real knitting(not just cutting up a sweater knitted by someone else and crafting with it).

We had a one session day at school because of the snow and I got home to find my car smashed! Hit and run!!!!!

Needless to say I was a little upset! After yelling and cursing in the middle of the street for a few minutes I went went into the house and started to count my blessing.

Blessing 1. I have insurance and I can pay the $500 deductible,for something I didn't do! Oh right, I'm listing my blessings.

Blessing 2. My husband and I are off for almost 2 weeks which gives us time to handle all of the paper work.

Blessing 3. If the car isn't ready by the time I have to go back to work I go to work with my daughters and they can drive.

Blessing 4. I was going to stay home but went in because the other teacher in my group was going to be out. Oh! this is for the person that hit me because if I would have been there I may have gone out and beat them.

Blessing 5. I have enumerable blessing.


  1. Oh, that really hurts! Some people do not have the nerve to step up to the plate and that is all there is to it.

    Good for you for counting your blessing.

    Nice gloves, by the way. Love the color.

  2. What is it with people this week? This is one of several things I've read in blogland where people have been outright rude and hateful. At least it's fixable and didn't do real damage to the parts that make the car go.

    As for holes, I haven't knit gloves yet, but have done thumbs on mitts and have done socks... for both of these, I will do a sort of k2tog when picking up a stitch in an iffy place. For socks, the last stitch when picking up (on both sides of the top of the foot), I pick up 2 sts and knit them together. Same for thumbs on mitts if I can (if it's in a place that won't pull). On the mitts, I do often have to get creative with the weaving in of the ends anyway.

  3. The gloves are looking nice and comfortable. I am sorry to hear they smashed your window.

  4. sorry about you car :( It is great no one was in the car and your finished you beautiful gloves. They are great!

  5. what a nasty person that was...!! On the other hand, those gloves are wonderful!

  6. That is awful!! My cousin was donating toys at a local church when he came out to his car his cell phone, laptop and his wife's purse was stolen on christmas eve!!
    Count your blessings hun.. at least you werent in the car and no one was hurt!!

  7. Ick! Who would have the nerve to do such a thing?

    At least you had the gloves to console you. :S

  8. Oh dear, so sorry to hear about your car! I really hope it will be ok soon, without driving you mad.

    The gloves are absolutely lovely, I've never tried to do any, think it's too potter for my nervs :-)

    It seems like you had a wonderful Christmas, and I wish you a very happy new year!
