Saturday, October 25, 2008

The Knitting Frog Fairy & The Sweater From Hell!

Allow me to preface this post by saying that in fact the sweater didn't come out so bad. The sleeves are too long, not a pattern error, and I will be learning a way to fix that with the help of indigodragonfly who shortened the sleeves on her Susie Hoodie.
I think my dislike for the sweater came when I saw the colorway change to huge circles on my buttocks! Then the decreasing started to give me problems, but I didn't give up. I then had to rip out the collar a few times, but as the Knitting Frog Fairy called to me to start frogging I continued.

I finished it only to find it didn't fit!
In a fit of rage I started to pull on the ribbing along the front and broke some of the yarn! As the Knitting Frog Fairy laughed the ribbing began to fall apart!!
Being the hard head that I am, I fixed it and here it is.

Doesn't look too bad does it?

I made a swatch to practice shortening the sleeves as indigodragonfly said. I just need a break from it for a while. I'm already feeling better about it and think,this time, I will not listen to the Knitting Frog Fairy.
If things change I will post pictures of the frogging just for the Knitting Frog Fairy.


  1. Very pretty sweater! I am an incessant frogger! I long ago discovered that its more likely that I'd reget not frogging, so it does take me a while to finish anything!! :)

  2. I love your sweater. I think it looks great. I really like the collar.

  3. Kudos to you for keeping it up! I would have given up way before now... when I have a FO that doesn't really work, I just push it back in the closet since I don't have the heart or want to to frog it! I hope it works out and you defeat the Frog Fairy... Win one for the knitters!

  4. It looks so beauteful! I really hope you will get the sleeves in order soon, so you can start wearing it. I'm sure you will love the sweater, when you eventually get it finished, after all the trouble.


  5. You are inspiring me to pick up a sweater I put aside because I should probably frog parts of it... I'll talk with you about it at the CDK meeting! Bring that sweater - I think you need a third opinion! You do beautiful work!

  6. I think you're crazy! The sweater looks great! The colors are very nice as well. I look forward to seeing it in person :-)

  7. It looks great to me. Really like the colours.

  8. I have done a lot of frogging on my sweater lately!

    I love the ribbing and the way the colors came out! Very pretty!

  9. Thanks for stopping by my blog :)
    Hope you get around to fix those sleeves soon. It will be a great sweater!

    Have a great weekend!

  10. Sometimes I think I frog more than knit and that I could knit the project two times over in the amount of time I take. Your final result will be perfect. Love the colors.

  11. Hi, I just wanted to let you know that I linked your blog on mine and nominated you for an "award"! Liz

  12. You're braver than I am. I could never do that type of frogging.

  13. Tis better to frog than to regret...LOL It's taken me a long time to get there...I usually like to plug on and then regret that I didn't fix something then the sweater goes to sit and never get worn!

    I think your sweater looks great! The colors are very pretty!
