Friday, October 23, 2009

Owls and Gloves

My good friend ML's daughter stopped by with these cuties!

Not only are these Owl Cupcakes the sweetest things in the world but they are also the sweetest as in good to eat!
Thanks AL!!!

I finished the gloves for them.
This is ML modeling hers.

AL modeling hers. Yes these are the hands that made those great cupcakes.

The pattern is from a great book Not Just Socks by Sandi Rosner and they're made out of Colinette Jitterbug. I just love this yarn for gloves because it knits up beautifully,the fit is great all the time and it wears well after months of use and washing.

This is my First Born modeling the fiished Almeara Gloves by Jared Flood.

I made them out of Cascade Yarns 220 Tweed a yarn I love to work with but I didn't love making them. They are warm and will be great on very cold days but I will not make another pair anytime soon.

I made another pair of Raspberry Mitts by Krista A. from Tidewater Knits for a coworker's daughter. I used Bernat Satin and good acrylic yarn.
NO that's not an oxymoron.
There are some very good acrylic yarns out there.

I'm working on yet another pair of gloves! These are another pair of these Blackthorns I made a while ago.

They are from Knitting New Mittens & Gloves by Robin Melanson a great book for anyone who loves to make mitts and gloves.
I'm making them out of Noro Kureyon and will not be putting on the little vest.
I love this pattern because it has great shaping that gives the glove a more fitted look.

I picked up some goodies at my LYS stix-n-stitches.

Those are 4" needles to make fingers on my gloves. They are made by Hiya Hiya and made it so much easier working on fingers. The book is Traditional Fair Isle Knitting by Sheila McGregor. I love learning the history of fair isle and there are tons of designs. Thanks Sunday for suggesting it!
I also got my Interweave Knit Holiday Gifts and it's filled with great projects.
Maybe I'll start making something other than gloves! NOT!!!!


  1. You have been so busy! Lovin all the glovey goodness :)

  2. If you don't mind, I will be sending the cupcake picture to my youngest daughter, who loves to make unique cupcakes. The gloves look so wonderful, stylish and toasty. I haven't made loves for a long time; I think I'm feeling inspired!☺

  3. The Jared Flood gloves are just gorgeous! They are so perfect they could've been the ones in Vogue! I love them! They must've been pretty tedious but hopefully after a break from them you'll see how worth it all that work was!

  4. again... gloves are fab but those cupcakes!!!!!!!!!

  5. You are on such a roll with all those great gloves - I bet it feels just great!

  6. So many beautiful gloves!
    And the cup cakes are so cute :)

  7. You are definitely the glove queen - works of art. And those cupcakes are fabulous.

  8. I love love love those cupcakes! Looks like everyone you love will have warm hands this winter:)

  9. The cupcakes are so well done they actually look more like toys. And wow are you a quick glove knitter ! They all look great.

  10. Wow - you've been doing an amazing job with mittens. I just finished a pair from Knitting New Mittens and Gloves myself - I first read about the book on your blog. So, thanks for the tip! You've been doing some beautiful work too!

  11. Awesome cupcakes!

    Those gloves (all of them) turned out great! I can see why maybe the cabled gloves weren't love in the making. They look kind of like a PITA, but they do turn out quite amazing!

  12. yay for gloves!!

    The cupcakes are soooo cute!!

  13. Wow! you have been busy! It amazes me how fast you knit. Love all the gloves and wristwarmers. Beautiful yarn choices. I hope you enjoyed the sweet cupcakes, I think your friend has a chef on her hands! :) Enjoy!

  14. Hi Lupie...I was so glad to see you had visited SuKnitWitty. OMGosh!!!! You are a Glove Knittin Gal! Every PAIR is gloverly! I see we are on the same KnitLength with the Holiday edition and glove-sock Needles. The OWL cupcakes are sooooo cute.

  15. You are the Queen of Beautiful Gloves! They are stylish and functional! Looooove all of them!

  16. Every glove is gorgeous. They all look so warm and cozy.

  17. Amazing gloves, as usual. So beautiful.

    And I'm totally with you on the existance of good acrylic. It is out there. =D

  18. Thanks for coming by my blog.
    My mother used to have a Cactus she kept in a dish pan .Huge it was . i don't know what happened to it but I think my red one is a start off it before she died.Guess I need to transplant it next summer into a bigger pot. Will also transplant the white one . Mine blooms at thanksgiving until almost Christmas and again at Easter. I love it.
    Your gloves are gorgeous! I love knitting gloves but right now I am working on scarves for the abused women's home so may not have time time to work on my socks / gloves until after Christmas.

  19. First of all, I love owls! Second, I'm also on a glove trip. I think I'm going to decorate for Christmas this year with mittens and gloves. Thanks for stopping by my blog btw.

  20. Those cupcakes are adorable. All your gloves are great! Jitterbug is such a nice yarn.

  21. The gloves leave me speechless. One is more beautiful than the other.

    Now the owls, well I just want to go through my computer and take a little bite out of one. They look delicious and I am sure taste delicious.

  22. You know how non-knitters come up to knitters and say 'wow, that looks so difficult, I could never do that' and as a knitter, you know that really most people could knit? Well, I feel like one of those non-knitters when I look at your gloves. They look so difficult! but really nice. I have just finished Susie's Reading Mitts, or rather, I've finished the first pair and am now working on the first one of a second pair. I love the way the thumb gusset fits so perfectly and may well venture into knitting gloves at some point. Haven't worked out yet how to stop the hole where you join the thumb stitches in the round - any tips?
    The owl cupcakes are far too pretty to eat!

  23. BeJeweled Blitz on Facebook... be careful, it's addicting!

  24. Your gloves are gorgeous, and those owl cupcakes! My daughter adores owls, I will have to try something like this for her! They are adorable!!!
