Saturday, December 19, 2009

No Knitting Only Family

It's been difficult to find time to post. I read and comment on a lot of blogs but just not posting on my own.
Knitting has been slow because of my lupie hands. The cold just makes my hand unable to function. So I sit sadly looking at my knitting basket with dreams of finished projects dancing in my head.

These are pictures from Thanksgiving.
Our puppy Maggie who now lives at my Last Borns' new house.

Last Born has taken over Thanksgiving. Here she is making pumpkin bread.

Yarn is never too far away in our family.
This is First Born crocheting a Spiderman Blanket.

Every year after the big Lupus Gala in NYC that raises thousands of dollars to find a cure. A friend at work brings me this.

I am thankful for people like her who care enough to help find a cure and I get chocolate too!

First Born has a new livingroom which we will be breaking in Christmas Day because she has taken over that holiday.

Oh no I have no more holidays to host!!!!
My plan worked.


  1. that's a great plan! :) Now, if my sister will buy a house, I can move my hosting duties to her ...

  2. Just before my Mom moved last month, she announced she was done with hosting holidays, and since I am the only one in town, I win. Good thing I love it still.

    Enjoy your holidays, and may your hands cooperate for a little knitting!

  3. Nice to hear from you again. I'm behind in knitting because I'm busy painting. I'm glad the girls are taking over the holidays to make it easier for you. If only mine were closer to our place. I'm only imagining knitting right now, so I can imagine all my UFO's finished!

  4. Good planning! I hope the cold passes soon and that you can once again delight us with your knitting.

  5. So sorry to hear you're not feeling well. I'm not sure where you are located, but I'm hoping the cold weather passes your region very soon and that you get back to knitting. Have a wonderful and joyous Holiday! Great plan. Now it's the kids turn to host the parties. Take care ~ Tisha

  6. I've so enjoyed seeing your piles of knitted gloves and hats. I bet everyone is really enjoying them with the blast of cold weather. So enjoy your rest from knitting and hosting! You'll be back to the yarn and needles soon! Have a very Merry Christmas!

  7. Your daughters living room is lovely. I pray that your hands adjust better to the weather. How fortunate that you don't have to host this year.

  8. Wishing you and your family Happy Holidays! I'm sorry the current flare up is happening now... Big hugs to you! Take care!

  9. Sorry about your flare up. :-(
    Pics are great. I am looking forward to the day when my daughter takes over the holidays!!!! Keeping fingers crossed for Easter. I might get lucky this year!

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family.

  10. I wish I could get my first and only born to take up crochet or knitting. There was a brief one week period a few years ago...

  11. enjoy your holidays. Firstborn seems to have it all under control. Take pride in her and yourself too for that matter!

  12. thanks for sharing the pics! maggie looks to be a happy grand-dog.

    ... and that spiderman blanket! what a creative girl you have!

  13. I have a friend who told me to regularly say to my kids 'now when you move out when you're 18, then you can...' in order to instil the idea that they are to move out when they've grown up. It still makes me laugh.
    Hope you had a good holidays and the warmer weather returns soon so you can get back to knitting.

  14. Awww, your puppy and I share a name! =D

    Very cool that your daughters get to host holidays. In our family whoever is the current matriarch holds on to that duty until... well, forever, really. haha I certianly don't mind though. Means less clean up for us!

    Hope your holidays were fantastic!

  15. My daughter has hosted the holidays for years. It frees me to enjoy my grandchildren after my five-hour drive.

    Your daughter has a beautiful living room!
