Some people want a child and it just happens but we don't seem to have that kind of luck. It took my husband and I six years and a miss to have First Born. First Born and her husband had a difficult time as well so this little girl is very special to us.

We went to stix-n-stiches to Knit In Public and had a great time with First Born and Pat.

I left with some great yarn on sale!

A good friend had a surprise 60th birthday party. There was a knitting birthday cake(First Born has a picture here on her blog) and these yarnie cupcakes were given out at the end.

I went to a party my school gave for the retiries just the week before. Those who planned it did a great job but I just didn't want to be there because I didn't like most of the people that were there and I'm sure they feel the same about me. This birthday party came at just the right time! It was filled with love and joy for my friend and such welcoming people.
Look what I won!!!!!

I entered a contest Impausible Yarn was having and won this beautiful yarn. I'm feeling a pair of gloves!

First Born has always been an Alice and Wonderland nut so I will be passing these on to her.

Heather is such a sweet person and added this cute Alice bag!
Thank you so much you made my day.

These are vintage Alice fabrics.

I think I will make a bag out of them.

This is a cute little baby hat by Jennifer Sauselein and can be found here for free.

This is a blanket I'm working on for L out of washcloth patterns.

I'm two days away from the end of my school teaching life. I will soon start my grandbaby teaching life and can't wait!