Perfect time for the Chalk Dust Knitters to hit the road.
We had a great field trip to Patricia's Yarns in Hoboken. It is a sweet yarn shop with amazing yarns. Patricia and her husband are a beautiful young couple who are very welcoming.

Here are Jackie(the field trip leader)and Karen looking at some of the many amazing projects around the shop.

This is a beautiful charity knit blanket for Hoboken Homeless Shelter Silent Auction.

Here is my daughter Zel, The Grimm Witch picking out the yarn I will use to make Tahoe from Knitty for her.

This is the shop pet Riley. He is the sweetest little Baby and full of love!

Here is Jackie holding Riley for a picture. Check out the beautiful blouse she has on!

This is a young man that is a regular or,as Jackie said,can be irregular at times.
Nice to see young men knitting.

Now time to eat!!!
We went to the Frozen Monkey Cafe just a few blocks away.
It's a retro restaurant that makes you feel like you stepped back to 1952.

I had half a Prosciutto, Fresh Mozzarella & Roasted Peppers Panini and Lentil soup. The food was fresh and simple.

Dessert was served on great plates. This is their Homemade Coconut Cheese Cake Slice.
It was awesome!

Yes that is a chart for a new project next to Karen's plate. We are never too busy to talk about knitting.

I had their Homemade Brownies w/ Tasti D-lite. You could not have made a better brownie at home!

We all came home with some beautiful yarn and a 15% discount for the group! Thanks Patricia!!!

Thanks Jacket for a great field trip!!!!
Friday my daughters and I went to another yarn store we had visited several months ago Yarn Diva. I was invited to join their Ravelry group and found out they had opened a new larger shop. It is as cute as their old shop just bigger and now they are able to carry more great yarns. As always mom and daughter are friendly and welcoming. Best of all the they have great sale yarns.
This will be the next Chalk Dust Knitter field trip.
I got this beautiful Crystal Palace Yarn for 40% off!!!!

Still have three more days. Lots of time to knit!
Sounds like lots of fun with great stash aquisitions!
Oooh looks like lots of fun!! What a great-looking shop! Those desserts look scrumptious, and the yarn does too!
Wow, love all of the pictures. The yarn shop looked nice and the restaurant was interesting as well. Steph and I missed a good time. Looking forward to the next field trip!!!!
It really sounds like a great day! Hope the week end is just as nice, and you get time for your new yarns.
Take good care of yourself!
looked like it was a great trip!
I love seeing your fieldtrip pics... so fun seeing the yarn shops and I love the neat places you go to eat!
Looks like you all had great fun. The food looks great. See you Friday.
Luscious everything---yarn shop and food!!
wow... i don't live so very far from Hoboken! I'm totally going to plan a trip out there now... why did I never think of yarn shopping in Hoboken!? Thanks for the heads up! :) and the invite to the ravelry group!
You sound like you have had a real fun time lately, Your food pictures make me very hungry.
Thanks for the comments and the invitation. I will check it out. It looks like you had a great time in Hoboken. Patricia's is a great place!
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