Even tradition will not stop the knitting! There is also origami being created in the background.

Yes,these are a Christmas present my first born is making for her sister.

More game playing.

Lots of origami.

And more game playing!!!! All the games are beautiful and lots of fun.

I got some great stuff! I do love Lucy!!!!

Lots and lots of awesome yarn.

This is my silly husband with one of his gifts.

My last born is and artist.The Art Geek is the website of her work.
She took these beautiful pictures for me.
I am working on Columbia Beret by Sarah Pope Blue Garter.

Yarn Heaven!

This Noro Silk Garden will soon be a take off on brooklyntweed's Noro Scarf for my husband.

This is all way too much for Maggie. She is the reason everyone should go to a shelter and adopted an older a pet!
This is where we found Maggie Pet Finder.