After 36 years of teaching in the public school system my retirement papers were filed.
Those who have gone before me have always said, "When you're ready you will know!" They were right,I know I'm ready!!!

I will miss going to work with my daughters and seeing some of the people I work with, but there is so much I don't like about teaching in a Middle School that makes leaving a good thing for me and my students. Time to let the Young Bloods take over.
I am sad for the Young Bloods and what they face in public education today.
The Govenor of New Jersey wants to make needed changes in the budget but feels he must bully teacher to make those changes.
Stand strong Young Bloods!
On the knitting front I just finished another Top Down Raglan Sweater by Carole Barenys.

I just love this pattern!
It's free and so easy a beginner can make it.

I made it from Zara Filatura Di Crosa yarn. The colors and feel of this yarn is amazing and great for baby sweaters.

This is a little hat I made out of some left over yarn.
The pattern is from Natural Nursery Knits by Erika Knight,a beautiful book filled with special baby pattern.

This is a sweater I'm making with size 17 needles out of Loop D Loop yarn.
The pattern is Dumplin by Kim Hargreaves and can be found in Rowan Babies.

On the Grandma front.
I got this great Grandma photo album/memory book and can't wait to start filling it up.
I also got Martha Stewart's new sewing/fabric book. I love sewing and hope to take quilting lessons this summer.

Not sure how much time I'll have in the Fall when the baby comes.