I just walked out with my flowers,balloon and chair to my husbands waiting van.

I thought of my 36 years and what it all meant. I guess time will help me understand.
Today was the start of the Understanding.
When I got home from spending time with First Born and her constuction war zone this was waiting for me at the door.

In my 36 years of teaching there were some wonderful people that entered my life.
Mr.JV was one of those wonderful people. His kind,caring soul has shared the births of my girls as well the passing of too many of my loved ones.
His puns would help me get through some hard days and when help is needed he is always there.
Thank you Mr.JV for being a good friend and a class act!
Here is First Born getting Ela's room ready.

Ela is not the only thing under construction!

This is what the construction war zone looks like. For better pictures check her blog

This is my husbands new family. I love to hear him play!

Have not had much time for knitting but did finish this little hat.

These are a few examples of crochet beading I did prelupus.

I gave away many things I had made.
Here one can see the different textures you can make with the use of different size beads.

I hope some day to be able to do this kind of work again.