I wish all a Happy and Healthy New Year!
This is when you know you gave birth to a Yarnie.
My first born's tree topper!

This is first Christmas day at First Born's house.
Girls making Bocaditos. The Croquetas are in the center of the platter and off to the side are the pastelitos de carne and the quava on queso crema.
A very Cuban Christmas in memory of my Dad!

The traditional Christmas games that son-in-law BB gets. This year is the Zombie game year.

We got a PS3 which shows Blueray movie as well.

The perfect game for me with this little yarn guy!

We spent some time with good friends.
The food was awesome but the friendship is priceless!

This is Otto their cute little puppy.

I made another scarf for Mr.J.
It is all garder stitch Knit Picks swish yarn.

Here's Mr.J modeling his new scarf.

I hope to cast on another scarf for him today but would like to make one with cables in it.
This is Last Born's tree for next year. She and her husband went out the day after Christmas and got it and some orniments on sale. They're all set for Christmas 2010!

This is my Debbie Bliss Pleated Wrap I finished after almost a year of it sitting in my kniiting basket.
It is made with Patons Silk Bamboo on size 5 needles.
I loved working with this yarn but love wearing it even more. I use it more as a scarf than a wrap and it is very warm and comfy on the cold days we've been having.

I'm on a mission to finish the projects I have sitting in my basket but I do have Mr.J's scarf, First Born's Central Park Hoodie and Last Born needs something new from me. Well I think I'm off to the Yarn store tomorrow. There's no hope for me but I love it!
Happy New Year!! Looks like you had a wonderful holiday!
It looks like you had a great holiday- I hope the new year treats you just as well!
Happy New Year. What a lovely Christmas.
That's one of the big parts of the major holidays: friends and family. And, of course sharing our own friends, families and traditions with our blog friends.
Happy New Year!!
Happy New Year my Lupie friend!! Your holidays looked just wonderful! Here's a toast to 2010, and to Life without Lupus, and to No Dropped stitches!!! Cheers!
Love lastborn's new tree. How special to remember your dad with the food he loved. I think that's a wonderful way to celebrate our parents who aren't with us anymore. I enjoy making dishes I grew up with. The scarf you made John is beautiful and he's worn it out already this week. Can't wait to see you both again, dear friend. We just bought Taboo. Come over and play.
Love that tree topper! And some great knitting there. And that food looked fantastic.
Happy New Year to you Lupie! It looks like a lovely holiday you've been enjoying!
Finishing off lingering UFO's is most rewarding isn't it? Especially when you end up with such lovely FO's to then wear, use and enjoy!
All the best to you and yours in 2010!
First, the food looks delicious and makes me hungry. One day you will have to share those recipes. You are so blessed to have such a lovely family. It is also so nice that both of your girls are in their own home.
David bought me the Wii this year for Christmas and we are having fun playing the games. Its great because I can sit down and be off my knees and still be interactive with the games. This was a truly perfect Christmas.
Best wishes to you and your family.
I am finishing up my last scarf and then I will finish my husband cardigan. My hands are giving me a lot of trouble, carpel tunnel and arthritis so I am going to have some surgery but want to wait until I finish my husbands cardigan because my hands will be out of commission for a few weeks.
Happy New Year to You and Your Family !!! Your photos are lovely. I love your FO's. The Debbie Bliss Piece is wonderful as is the scarf. Now that tree topper takes the cake! Very cute.
Happy 2010!
The stripes on the scarf are just wonderful.
Wow, you've been busy. Love, love, love the tree topper. I really like the colorways in your scarf.
That food looks amazing. Happy New Year!!!!
HAppy new year! Looks like you had a fantastic holiday (and who wouldn't with that adorable tree topper to look at?)
All the FOs look amazing, and if I may indulge my inner technerd a bit, you will LOVE the PS3. It is truely an amazing piece of technology. My brother recently got one, and frankly I've been using it more than he has! The picture quality is mindblowing, and Little Big Planet is a fantastic game! =D
I love the tree topper. We had "The Bumble" in ours.
I like the colors you chose for the scarf -- very nice.
Marvelous holiday--marvelous knitting. Very interesting post.
great post! Happy New Year. I see you love making gloves. I want to give them a try. Yours are lovely♥
Hi Lupe! What a wonderful Christmas you had with your family! I will have to look in to that Zombie game, both my sisters are in to zombies. Thanks for stopping by my blog-- I'm glad you found me because I love Lesser Known Skeins and signed right up. Your blog is beautiful and I love the garter stich scarf you knit for your husband.
Happy New Year!! I've passed on an award to you :) check ti out here: http://almondrose.blogspot.com/2010/01/fabulous-sugar-doll-award-blogger.html
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